The best camera is the one that's with you.

I am not a professional photographer, but I am fortunate enough to work in an industry where I find it necessary to own a (semi) professional camera system. Much like my computers, I am always looking for a way to optimize my kit to have more time to focus on being creative.

My wife and I have been throwing around the idea of moving to Thailand for 4-6 months, which got me thinking about pairing down all of our possessions.

It's so easy to collect things these days. I can look around my house now, and it's filled with so much stuff. But do I need that stuff?

This is the roundabout way to this next section. Thanks for following along, and please hit me at for your minimalist advice, tips, and tricks.

Earlier this week I asked the question “If you could bring two lenses with you what would you bring. Fast and light. Wet and Dirty. Run and Gun.” I got a lot of really good answers, here are a few of them:

What!!! -> @chrisburkard - 24-105 - all a rounder and a specialty prime 35mm f1.8.
@hamesellerbe - 24-70 f2.8 and 70-200 f2.8
@roo_media - 24-70 and 50mml.
@brian_barnhart - Pancakes that are weather proof
@angelocalilap - 35 1.8 & 85 1.4.
@nutter - 24-70 and 70-200.
@austintuckermedia - 16-35 and 50.


Bridge City Cyclocross


Coastal Newsletter 08-24-2021